Sunday, January 4, 2009

Preview 2009: A New Year and Some New Ventures

We are gearing up for a new ministry year, and this week I wanted to give you a preview of some really exciting things planned for 2009.

STEAM continues with more electives. Last fall we moved our midweek program to Wednesday night and changed the format. If you're not familiar with STEAM, the 90-minutes is broken into two 45-minute blocks. In the first, kids "blow off STEAM" by choosing a physical or artistic activity. In the second block, they go to a pre-chosen elective. Last fall there were five electives; this spring we are able to expand that number to 11! Each elective is led by a trained leader and we also need adults to play with kids and accompany them to electives.

Spring electives include: The Young Peacemaker 2, Stumped by the Bible (classes giving kids an overview of both the Old and New Testament) plus How to Read and Understand Your Bible, Sign Language, Cooking, Beginner Guitar, Drama, Drawing, Topical Studies for Pre-teens, and a class for moms and daughters on navigating self-image, esteem, and beauty issues (more on that class to follow).

For full registration info, be sure to pick up a STEAM Spring Session brochure at the church.

"Just Who Do You Think You Are?" moms and daughters class and retreat. We have long believed in promoting healthy parent-child relationships and are thrilled to be able to offer this during the second six weeks of the spring midweek session. Karen Howard, who attends NCCC, wrote a manual for her own daughters as they were entering adolescence on how to navigate issues of identity and image and not lose sight of what God thinks about them. Karen has since published her work and will be leading the class.

May 1-3, after the class has concluded, we are planning a weekend away for moms and daughters that builds on the themes of the class. You do not have to take the class to go on the retreat, but it sure helps.

Parenting 101 and Relationship 101 series. As we build into kids in the middle of the week, we plan to continue building into parents as well. Please join us for these 90-minute presentations during STEAM (6-7:30 pm) on Wednesdays. A new slate of speakers and topics begins January 14.

6 to 7 Project. Once again this spring we will make a concerted effort to get our sixth graders transitioned up to the Junior High ministry, with a variety of ministry events that are 6th grade-only. We believe a major factor in kids' continued involvement in church ministry is the existence of a peer group at church; simply put, kids don't like coming to church once they hit middle school if they don't know anyone else there. So all of the events in the 6 to 7 Project aim at helping kids forge friendships with other sixth graders, as well as getting acquainted with the Junior High Ministry staff.

Summer Camp. This one we are very excited about! We have found a location for summer camp that can accommodate lots of kids, has a good variety of outdoor activities, and that allows us to bring our own counselors so they can have a week to bond with the kids they work with. Mark your calendars now - camp will be July 6-10 (Monday-Friday) - and the price will make you smile. (Note: this camp is for kids who will be in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade next school year. Current 6th graders will be included in Junior High Summer Camp at Forest Home.)

Baptisms. We are planning two baptisms for kids this year. Each involves kids and parents going through our half-hour "Testing the Waters" class, reviewing home materials, and doing an interview with NCCC staff to ensure kids know the significance of the step they're taking.

Kids Games. Date is July 20-24. Kids Games returns - every year is now Kids Games. We expect another banner year. Do you coach a sport or think you'd like to lead an elective activity? Be on the lookout for head coach recruitment coming early in '09.

JOLT. We launched our JuniOr Leadership Team last fall, to help us keep up with the work it takes to set up and reconfigure our classroom as we transfer from play time to small group time to worship and teaching time. We also use this group of young leaders as a sounding board for programs and issues in the 4th-6th grade room. We have two trainings coming up in January - Saturday, Jan. 10 from 2-4 pm, and Wednesday, Jan. 28 from 3:30-5:30. Trainings beyond that will depend on our future need.

Do we need kid leadership training? I have been approached by the publisher of a leadership training curriculum designed specifically for pre-teens, to be offered in churches. It looks like a winner - what I need to know is whether there's a critical mass to make it go. I'll be writing more on this in the next couple of weeks.