Friday, August 30, 2013

The Bad News and the Good News About Miley...and all that

Given the amount of ink spilled this week on Miley Cyrus' graphic attempt to put the Hannah Montana image behind her forever, I didn't feel particularly compelled to add my voice to the mix. And I feel that, as with most flash-in-the-pan pop-culture moments, the real implications aren't always immediately clear. 

Instead, I'll just let you read what I've been reading.

Bad song lyrics: suggestions for addressing the music your kids are listening to

This one's not specific to Miley Cyrus, but it's more globally related to the whole issue of kids in a hyper-sexualized culture:

Three Things You Don't Know About Your Children and Sex

And parents, do you know about This site is a treasure trove of information on video games, movies, tv shows, apps, websites, and games. Definitely worth your time.